They have been turned off If u go back 2 the older version, they aint there. There is just the quotes underneath
Damn Rob and his "regime"......we need to take action before he goes too far and starts killing innocent accounts, I say we go to the UN and get a new resolution!!!!
Your 2 L8 this has already happened not so long ago!!! Can u not remember when Johntystar posted a thread about the 1000 board member?
there was 951 members then!!!! The nxt day there was only 910 r summit Can't remember the thread name were this was menchioned
Wont be long before we all have to take our avatars off, and just have a number instead of a name Promise Member: 027
nah.. it'll be back to the old old old board!!.... text text text. rob will be muttering away behind his pc about bloody geordies pvd pics and files sizes...
I didn’t take off the profile photos, we had the software upgraded and they don't work with this version. I think peeps don't get that the only stuff I've taken away is extras that we have given you (at Promise's expense). People have been spoilt on here; they think that they have the right to say what goes on. NEWS FLASH, YA DON'T! This message board is not a democracy and I usually don't care what you think. PS No, I’m not grumpy; I just can't be bothered with wasting my life answering questions about totally insignificant stuff, and can I take this opportunity to make you aware that from now on I wont be.
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