Prickley heat Its the spawn of the devil!!! Why oh why? is there really any need???? cant i just get a tan in peace????? :evil:
Re: Re: Prickley heat i did, that doesnt mean mine arnt shite aswell tho jim-E, neither do i apparently, i just get prickley heat
u r not having much luck 2day kerry!!! first u were ill - doom 4 u then u create a h8 fan club against urself - double doom then u get prickly heat instead of a tan! i'd give up now lass b4 it gets any worse!!
lol, i went on the sun bed tho! went on the other day, came off a nice shade of pink which slowley turned golden brown, thought id top it up a little bit today, came off a red and blotchy and itching like fuck
u look alrite where as i don't!!! claires on it too & i have a similar version of it!!! will come over to si's sumtime with loads of promise pics u ain't seen yet!!! it'll give ya a laff if nowt else!!