Practical Online Synthesis Course

Discussion in 'Productions' started by chris l, Sep 6, 2011.

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  1. chris l

    chris l Jack!

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Thought I might as well post this up here as there may be a few people into it.......

    I'm running a short synthesis course online for SAE - an audio engineering school I've been lecturing for in the past, with schools here in The Netherlands as well as more worldwide.

    If you're looking to improve your knowledge and hands on skills with synthesisers then this is a pretty good place to have a look - with lots of practical tutorials alongside some essential basic theory.

    With the course being online, you can do it in your own spare time, and in the comfort of your own home, with your own equipment etc.

    If you'd like a bit more info than what is on the site or just a quick chat about whether you think it will be suitable for you, just drop me a message here, and if you know anyone that might be interested, please pass the link on :)
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