Porn Just had a quick read the "free slag" thread and realised I've never ever watched porn. I've seen it once or twice in my younger days at parties when lads were acting all smutty and hard but it does nothing for me, I've never used it. Do yous all watch porn regurarly? Have collections of mags?
i watch porn occasionally, some of it is ok, some of it is funny & some of it is just plain wrong!!! don't own any vids or mags tho!
c tis not only footy i like! :angel2: i cud tell u bout some of the vids i've seen if ya like...women cumming the lot....
Porn fills the gap in between what your woman is prepared to give you, and what your sex drive demands ... although it is the unimaginative way out.
Re: Re: Porn The size of your penis isn't related to the amount of porn you've watched. Sorry fella, it's not gonna get any bigger, face it ... no matter how much you pull and stretch it, porn or no porn.
Re: Re: Porn I watch it now and again, find it more funny than anything else. some of it is sick, I pity the poor fools who star in it.
Re: Re: Re: Porn If I had a micro penis I wouldnt watch porn or anything else that reminded me of not having a cock! Maybe thats why you watch footy instead?!! hahaha
Re: Re: Re: Re: Porn Can't deny that footy is my porn... have you seen that fucking Archie Gemmil goal from 74.
we have a porn syndicate going on... although it doesnt seem to work to well as your supposed to put something to get a new one back, but sometimes they get 'lost' while being passed round
I porn. Especially vintage 70's german porn. Nowt's more class for daytime watching than purple frilly shirts, handlebar moustaches and afro minges. Class.
German porn is not my cuppa like....every other sentance is "dirty bitch" "dirty hoare" "fucking slut." American porn is funny but the Dutch seem to get it right......fuck the cheesy story lines and just get down to business!
It's much more funny when it's not dubbed: "Ja! Ja! dein fotze ist ausgezeichnet! Esse mein scheisse! In dein mund!" etc etc
not a massive fan meself like, doesn't really do much for me, except leave me wantin needin and i'm bad enough as it is! haven't come across many g/f's that were fans either. (no pun intended)
I used to watch a fair amount of porn when i was younger (mainly school years) I never ever watch it now though.