poorly bad.... i cant stop shivering and im in the house, with the heating on, with a jumper on too.... im all achey and stuff, knackered but dont wanna sleep.... :cry2: i hate being poorlybad me
I feel similiar luv, think mines more a result of self infliction tho This fucking cold air from ceiling fan aint helping one bit either!
theres plent of meat on my bones........... no skinny minny :stick out tongue: i want some nice tea but dunno what to have
I'm starved, went to burger king after my phone battery earlier and got a measly burger, had that all day.
i will do darlin THEY ARE TASTY GOOOOOOOD!!! tried to guess where u worked today...gonna bring sum flyers in for u to ponder over
mmmmmmm had one of these yesterday canny nice like could just eat one now i try a curry casy might sweat it out of ya
Huzzah, delivered bait always tastes better Its above the lounge pub, uz will have just missed me after me ciggy break. Sorry about earlier, it all just seemed to go wrong what with phone, I would have hung about if i had known youz got off at central
dont worry about it man! i know where it is just tried to guess which floor ect..... boredom settled in... im cold