Police using riot shields to sledge Glad to see the Police doing something useful [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhaozqnZpAc"]YouTube- UK Police sledging on riot shields[/ame]
dont see what the fuss is about to be honest! so they decided to have a bit fun. they are human afterall!!! does my head in when people complain about stuff like this!!!
well I don't see why they should have the best sledges.... i'm left with a wheelie bin lid and their flying down banks on riot shields
had to turn it off after 10-15 seconds of him talking, too annoyed. what a total fucking grade A cunt he is.
He reminds me of that hunter guy off Jumanji. If anything those cops on that video are the ones who don't take their job to seriouslly
Fuckin terrible this, they're supposed to be doing their job 100% of the time and not let fun things like this get in the way, even if it's for a few minutes and taking advantage of the snow, or maybe showing people that they aren't always out trying to spoil things for everyone. I hope they all get fucking sacked me like.
Mr B = bloke in video with curly hair pretending to know the facts. who's to say there were on duty? no facts to state that they were (aye uniforms, but ya nah - could be on a break off the beat) even so. fuck it - i'd love to see coppers having a jib sledging down a hill rather than eyeing up my watch pocket with mighty interest.
what an absolute length readin through a load of his comments he can barely type english. he totally loves himself like bangin on about how he's got £2,500 worth of gold on him and repeatedly askin people if they understand what a common law country is and if they know what fractional reserve banking is, cunt
Anyone who makes an intro video to their "video blog" is a prize cunt, didn't have to go past the first 4 seconds to realise that.
If u watch that video now, at 1min 35sec theres a link pops up on the vid, to more recent video of him talking about the first video lol he seems pretty annoyed that its been posted on forums, or a forum lol.