plz sum1 help me can sum1 plz help me by explaining why i can't get into certain's just crashing the pc & says it's not responding!!!
Re: plz sum1 help me I'm not sure, the software has just been updated but even if we were trying (which we are not) we should not be able to crash your browser. Is anyone else having these problems?
Rufus is it not just your pooter? Cos when u click on the link it opens another web pg, i mean can your PC handle it!!!
i find that this occasionally freezes the college computers - i find if i change the security settings it tends to make it work...
i've just tried that mark & it still hasn't worked..i'll try a dif pc 2moro & if that doesn't work i'll cry
She cant. she's at work, n they wont let u format a work computer will they. besides, thats quite a drastic thing for an IE error. as ive said, these things happen, just mess around with stuff n see if it works - more specificly, in the security settings if i had to hazard a guess.
it was happening to me last night, every now and again i would click on a thread and it would give me a white page and then crash
it's been happening since qtr to 8 this morning.............. pissing me off quite badly now...........
hmmm... can't really do much from here... are you allowed the occasional browse? (like, officially)... cos if u are, tell ur network admin.... if ur not, well there aint a damn thing u can do about it, sorry hun...
and if that dont work hun - the only option left is the fixing tool but u dont want no ickle dinky one... oh no - THIS is the tool for the job OH YEAH :groovy: