Playstation 3 Follow this to sign up You'll get it shipped when PS3 is released BBC talk about how similar companies do the same (give away gifts in return for you trying out there products)
FUCK OFF Stop being so thick you get nowt for free Especially a £300 games console that is not even built yet
Yes theere is a need, im sick of these internet scams and dthe stupid idiots who fall for them, Which compnay in there right mind is gonna dish out PS3's for free and hope to make a profit ???
Actually Cole those referrals DO work, I have a mate who got a free iPod from the same firm. Oh dear...
If your sick of it, ignore it! Or there's the saying "if you can't beat them, join them!" But to tell people to fuck off is just rude. :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: It's only a monday, chill out!
I've heard of people getting them too. Fair enough u might spend a bit on a service beforehand but that's the normal amount you'd spend if you were to use that service anyway so I think the ipods might have been free. Don't ask me how.
You have to get 5 people to gign up a further 5 people each before you get your the compoany need to make more money that the price of an ipod before they give you one... So you have to have 30 people sign up and pay underneath you to recieve the item... Its hardley free is it??? Not to get a service i did not want in the first place, I would rather just get one from ebay
you have to CON your mates or unsuspecting people to sign up for stuff they'd never normally want... it's underhand tactics... it's never worded very clearly... get into pyramid schemes then
anf if you nee dot get 30 people to spend at least a fiver to get a £100 ipod then you will need to con your mates even more to get a PS3
all i need to do to get a ps3 is . . 1. complete an offer (e.g. deposit 10 quid on gambling site, which is something I was going to do anyway) 2. refer 13 people to do the same. i only need five more referals!
I'm not going to waste my time tryig to get one, all I'm saying is you can get one for free really. The fact that you ned to get others to sign up is a bit of a hassle, but its still them who are paying and not you. Anyway this has been talked about before so lets leave it. All a pile of crapreally i'd rather buy my own and get it when i want it.
not true the 13 people you reffer have to also spend at least £10 and then THEY ALSO have to get 13 refferals so you need 182 people to spend £10 below you to get a PS3 Good luck
No, only my referals need to spend the 10 quid. Its not a pyramid, just 2 layers. Anyway, more than one of us has now said. And as I said b4, I'm not spending any more money that I would have done if I wouldn't be taking part in this so I've nothing to lose. And as more than one of us have said b4 "lets leave it at that" CAPICHE