Not sure really, like ones with pineapple on but they are usually only Ham & Pineapple which is a bit boring. Calzoni pizzas are mint, mmm! Had this lush pizza couple of weeks ago in Scotland. Can't remember what kind though, chicken & something? Was pretty damn good though!
I've realised now you probably mean bolonaise, but for a second there I thought you were well wierd!!!
hmmmm, mince...nice... i like really traditional ones. good quality cheese, thin base, nice tomatoes. simple topping. parma ham or salami or something....
I dont mean bolognese, i mean mince! Doesnt sound very nice but its lush! Yvonnes rather partial to it aswell. think Ruth might like it aswell (without the mushroom)
Try one from Takeaway Supreme in Consett (the one next to Woolies). Trust me, theyre lush. My reaction was the same when someone suggested it to me but I gave them the benefit of the doubt and now eat them all the time
depends where we're getting them from...i generally just go for be safe and all...altho they put jalepeno peppers on them now so not good....erm. from dominos, i always get the texas bbq...just cos i love how the bbq sauce tastes with garlic sauce.
thats nowt! we got a breadmaker you can make pizza dough in, so we get to make our own, some of the better ones have been - egg+bacon chilli con carne Curry and the best - instead of carlic bread, onion bread, put some onions and butter in the microwave heat em up till cooked, chuck em on pizza et voila!
Davy always makes us go to Eatza Pizza (or whatever its called) everytime I get something though it doesn't seem to agree with me and I'm ill within an hour. Mince on pizza?? Honestly?? I'll give it a try I suppose.
Domino's Texas BBQ pizzas, minus onions and green peppers Pepperoni stuffed crusts @ Pizza Hut are gorgeous too. Aint had a pizza in ages Can't eat 'em now anyway