Pistols, Nightclubs,Singer & Footballers SOUNDS LIKE FOOTBALLERS WIVES!!! BUT IT IS NOT !!! Seems that the Tweedster just cant keep out of trouble she got chucked out Baja with Toon players!!! Not happy with giving a slap to a black women she now comes home to Tyneside & shits on her own doorstep. Oor Cherly according to The Mirrors 3am girls was in a water pistol fight with Titus Bramble in Baja. Some of Baja regulars got wet by accident and complained so Baja doorstaff told them they had leave. THIS IS WHY THE TOON NEED BOWYER HE WOULDNT HAVE TOOK THIS SORT OF SHIT! The 3AM girls also say that lad about town Dyer was making moves on Cherly. GO ON MY SON!!! Which 1 of the injury prone duo will be bonking oor Cherly 1st? We will only find out when 1 of them misses a Toon game with a groin strain or crabs. But wait my money is on a dark horse ALLEGED racist Jonny Woodgate to be the first toon player to do her in. If the Tweedster & Woody get together it will bring a tear to the eye of any self respecting racist in the uk. The 3am girls at the bottom of there page have the words 'GOT A STORY' I am tempted to ring them and ask them 'HAVE YOU!!!'
grow up you SMB why do you think that you never hear about sunderland players going out and getting into a bit of bother. simple really. firstly sunderland's nightlife is a fucking disgrace and nobody would be seen dead there. secondly if they did want to go to newcastle for a good night out they would get kicked to shit the second that they got out of the taxi
I have a thing or two to tell you about our little Cheryl, my brother went out with her for a few years. she has a questionable past to say the least, reporters have been looking for my bro but not caught up with him yet. I would sell the lot, she was all rockports and berghaus and big ear rings when I knew her. dress her up all you want she always be a stupid little girl, she has a bit of a gift but you cant change the little scrubber
Re: Pistols, Nightclubs,Singer & Footballers do her back door in mebbes, she seems like that sorta girl