pirate party at last a political party I can agree with http://www.pirateparty.org.uk/ its aims are • Reform copyright and patent law. We want to legalise non-commercial file sharing and reduce the excessive length of copyright protection, while ensuring that when creative works are sold, it's the artists who benefit, not monopoly rights holders. We want a patent system that doesn't stifle innovation or make life saving drugs so expensive that patients die. • End the excessive surveillance, profiling, tracking and monitoring of innocent people by Government and big businesses. • Ensure that everyone has real freedom of speech and real freedom to enjoy and participate in our shared culture. the more people join the more chance there is for change. In Sweden they won a European parliament seat
Do what you want cos a pirate be free YOU ARE A PIRATE [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIN5w97tKAk"]YouTube - techno viking - you are a pirate[/ame]
Common sense? An end to corporate domination? A nation given back its liberty and freedom? It will NEVER catch on!
If that viking was our front man, i'd gladly make my first ever trip to a polling station to make my mark.