Pictures on signatures Do people not realise how much trouble they are causing to people skving at work! Whilst trying to sneek on the internet whilst at work,it's best to minimise the screen as much as possible meaning you have to scroll loads. Next time you're thinking of putting a picture on your signature,just think of the poor skyvers at work!
Re: Pictures on signatures im more worried about gettin caught with a set of tits bouncing on my page!
Ex-IT Technician speaking here 90% of employers now track what their employees look at on the net. If you check your email a few times a day, occasionally buy stuff etc etc then no IT admin ive known will care. Any porn, chat, or more than around 20hits a day to a site (including refreshing) will get them worrying
In your used profile there a option to turn sigs of on posts. If ya dont wanna see pics use it. It's not exacally rocket science.