Picture of a snake & a kangaroo I just stumbled upon this, but the proportions of the surrounding formations just look odd. That snake must be huge!
Ah I forgot where I got the pic now.. it mentioned a Brown something. There's just no reference point in the picture to help figure out whether that snake is massive, or if the kangaroo is tiny. Either way, I'd never want to go for a dip.
Snakes are class, i'd also guess from that pic that it is fucking massive. 25ft + Am I sad to be sat here wondering what species of snake it is?
No. The reason I posted this thread is because that snake is fucking class, and I have no idea whether it's a massive freak of nature, or just clever use of a camera.
in the zoo in Nigeria was a snake pit. and in the pit was a snake and a trembling live rabbit, neither of them moving. Apparently they fed the snake like this and it was a big attraction as everybody stood watching, waiting for the snake to make a move........