PHPNuke Help Code: phpBB : Critical Error Error doing DB query userdata row fetch DEBUG MODE SQL Error : 1146 Table 'santiagonino_ne.SESSIONS_KEYS_TABLE' doesn't exist SELECT u.* FROM nuke_users u, SESSIONS_KEYS_TABLE k WHERE u.user_id = 2 AND u.user_active = 1 AND k.user_id = u.user_id AND k.key_id = 'f1a5b11bc35725270d6bff9cbd1d2736' Line : 93 File : sessions.php Getting the above error when I try to access the forums... Not sure why either. It also happens for the member list (but I think that uses the forum stuff). Any ideas?
Do you have an SQL database up for the forum? If so, have you given PHPBB the right username/password/databasename/SQLhost to use?