Photoshop Does nayone have aany idea how this thing works? Ive just downloaded it (the trial version) and when i go to insert images and stuff,it only allows me to open PDF files whatever they are...i want to open BMP,JPEG,GIF and the likes and insert them into the picture. Or if anybody reccomends another alternative that i can download,and of which when i paint on it,wont mix the colours,tell es. Much appreciated
paintshop pro get yaself this m8 - tis bit easier to use than photoshop and just as good imo.
i do click open,but after i get the background,i cant put other images say like if i was to make a poster or summit.u know. (Smart e,perfect chance to earn you umbrella here)
I've always copied the image using the select tool then copied it into the image I'm working with. And dr it aint snobbish at all tis like comparing vestax to kam
pffffffffffffft hahahha - agreed photoshop is MUCH better - BUT its also a lot more difficult to use. for basic day2day use a would reccomend psp anyday.
i agree with smart E Paint shop pro is total and utter wank. photoshop takes a while...but once you get the hang of it u realise its the dogs bolllox.
I still cant do it..too fukkin complicated..its like tellin the bairn to make a sunday dinner. al just download summit else.spud said photodraw but until friday when he gives me a copy i cant get it...unless sum 1 knows where to get it from?
just get paint shop pro, its a piece of piss and can do most things u probly want..... paintshop is a rite head fukk..... I cant make it do anything hardly, it just too complicated for my pink n glittery brian!
Re: Photoshop Its a file that is normally opened in Adoebe Acrobat Reader, normally used for large reports and that posted on the web.
aight m8.. photoshop is all about the layers.... to start a fresh image go 2 FILE>NEW.... then enter the size u want... 19*27cm is a4.. then hit ok.. it will open a page that is blank... if u cannot see already.. u shud b able 2 see a lil table called LAYERS... if not go to WINDOW.. SHOW LAYERS... right.. each layer is like a piece of clear acetate... and can be placed on top of each other.. click on the painbrush tool... and just draw a few lines on the page... then go to FILTERS.... THEN BLUR... MOTION BLUR... and then adjust the bar as 2 how u want.. then hot ok.... it will of now blured the lines.. this is one example of the filter option in fotoshop... there are laods of others... but u dont need em yet.. to open one of ur pics.. go2 FILE>> OPEN.. then jiust open as if u were in paint... again if u want 2 put sum color on top of it.. u wll want 2 create a nu layer//// go to LAYER> CREAT NU... name it then hit ok... then u are ready 2 draw on that layer if u notice.. the layer box now has chanegd 2 layer 2.. and eveything u do on that layer will not change the original pic u stuck in... i hop this helps a bit.fotoshop takes a while 2 get used 2.. but belive me its the bst out there.. ive just got version 7.. wkd stuf... its all about trial and error... just mess about and see what happens.. u cant break it if u want me 2 send u sum example fotoshopp files for u 2 mes on with just giv us a buzz on msn