Phillip K Dick... maybe not the right place for this... but quite a few of his stories have been butchered onto the big screen... but how good are they?? i know this is a bit late cos he's dead an all... even tho i know pretty much most of his stuff is head fucky with loads of twists i still get sucked in and suprised by the finale every time and anyone who makes up and idea/conciousness/machine/entidty for a novel that they then say has told them about the future and is then right about their predictions is ok with me! or accusing the KGB/FBI of breaking into his house to steal his ideas, then later admit it might have been himself who did it but he's forgotten about it... his stories/ideas were the basis for loads of films, like bladerunner, a scanner darkly, minority report (kinda), paycheck, truman show, total recall... like most things tho hollywood miss a loads of the best aspects of the originals ...
not really read any thing of his as im not so much a sci fi fan but upon reading some of his website i think i just might
yeah i'm not into most sci fi either but his stuff is good! he was blatantly :spangled: which makes most of his stories full of paranoid schitzophrenic 'our reality is only our perception of what is really going on' stuff...
Phillip K Dick was a mentallist, but he had so many brilliant ideas. The trouble is most of them are completely unfilmable, so usually all you get from a hollywood adaptation is the title and a couple of characters in common.
I think hes quite good tbf Most of the stories are short stories, aparently he just to get fucked up on amphetemines and write a book in two weeks! Strange but good, l'd recommend: Minority report (better than film) Second Variety The Electric Ant We can remember it for you wholesale (for the total recall connection)
Not read them mate, l bought a book of his short stories a while ago and listed the best ones outta that