Pet hates AAAHHH..theres a lad sitting next to me who has a severe heavy breathing problem...cant decide whether he's excited by something on the internet or has no shame and actually breathes like he's in labour all the time....I cant stand it, its driving me mad:evil: Think I'm goin to have to say something or give him dirty looks till he moves....
He's only about eleven....he mite cry.....which incidentally is pet hate number two after heavy breathing....boys who cry....
I cant hear him now cos he's taken to swinging on his chair which is creaking loudly...this child is my nightmare......
just lean over and say "excuse me, im trying to work, could you be a little quieter" and if that doesnt work, pick up your chair and smack it round the back of his head so he slumps forward onto his keyboard and never makes another noise. but then again he might bleed and the drip drip drip might b annoying....try it nehow
Remind me never to annoy you! He scooted nearer on his chair b4 so i gave it a slight nudge with me foot away again and hes been still and quiet ever since....