pervert and a baguette Right guys, My boss just told me a true story about a pervert and a baguette! So here is the question... What would a pervert use a baguette for? (obviously not making a sandwich) U will have to stretch ure imagination to the limits to get this bad boy... Once I have a couple of answers I will reveal all...
He used the baguette to lure a goat into a cement mixer. He then turned the mixer on and cemented the goat into it. He then stuck his dick up the goats arse while the mixer was spinning round. Am i close?
Did he put a hole in the middle then stick it up he ass. And when it was fully inserted he shat threw it and got his mam to eat the shit sandwich out of his ass?
here u go... My bosses brother is a copper covering the elephant castle area in day his bro and another copper were on the beat and they happened to bump into this local well known pervert called ron who basicly looked abit dodgy as he had this long object showing with in his jacket... could have been a gun or anything.... taking note that he had just come out of a public toilet which is well know for its usage by gays.. The coppers had to ask what ron had beneath his jacket and he basicaly said that it was a baguette..he got it out and showed them...the copper asked what he was doing with what looked like a soggy baguette..and ron replied “well I really like the smell of mens piss so I put the baguette inside the pisser, leave it there over night, hopefully the next day It will have soaked up enough piss..I then take it home and put it on the radiator so it spreads the smell about the house..... WTF!!!!