you were blatantly waiting for someone to notice you were gone! Within seconds of me posting you were back on here and have stayed!!!! I wish i hadnt said anything now
why's everyone whispering? by pep pills do you mean the glucose/caffine po plus type ones or the 'legal high' maniac etc type ones?
all crap !!!! dont work! make you feel like shit the next day! cost a FIVER for TWO !!!!!! genrally i'd stick to the kosher' did's
they're usually just caffeine, maybe taurine and a few other herbal extracts & sometimes glucose etc... they work well if your body reacts well to those stimulants, if not then they don't not recommended if you're an athlete/sportsman tho...
Yes they do. They generally contain bzp/tfmpp which is an active mdma like substance. There are just a lot of sub-standard products out there. Also I've ordered four off everyonedoesit so I will be able to tell you afterwards/people will be able to gauge how wankered they get me after I neck a few at junior g. By all accounts sound pretty good though.
which ones did you get? the maniacs are good... never tested any of the others tho... also @ 'proper' pills being kosher
I've ordered the flying angels off everyonedoesit ********* - they do work. Just because you got bumped it doesn't mean that you can get ones that work perfectly well. I also bought some shite ones but knno that I just bought a sub standard product with practically none of the active substance inside.
i necked 20 pro plus at once at work before, it was horrible you turn into a shakey mess and cant concentrate
Who is Deleted? Is it Rob? I don't know who anyone is anymore since half the people on the board have had their name changed...