Bet im the only one who noticed this.... i might be wrong.... But the charver burglars mate is the kid from the first episode of peep show. "Cleanshirt" anyone remember that? hes grown up since of course.
ive just been getting into peepshow, i watched a few eps a few years back and liked it so im giving it another run.
Its repeated again tonight on C4. Was crying with laughter at the contraption they had made by taping all the remotes together. "the Megatron doesn't say urban free spiriters - it says sofa masturbators" Genius.
My favorite episodes are "Mummy" where he eats the dog and the one where Super Hans has 6 gms of Charlie before his best mans speech. CANT stop yourself from laffing not much comedy does that to me
"So hitting's okay but there's some kind of massive taboo about stabbing?" That episode was quite good, hopefully going to be better than last series.
looks as though its going to be a corker like, i'm glad unlike most programs that start from scratch - that they havent ruined it by over-budgeting it. its been the same format since the start. classic
The wedding story in the last series was a bit shite. They've gone back to basics with the new series, which is good to see.
Glad to see it going back to basics. Series 4 was a bit off in places for me. Still good but not as great as Series 1-3. Series 5 I've really liked, though it's striking how much more mean Jez is getting. Sophie too. Still though Jez and Super Hans joining the cult was hilarious, especially seeing them with the buttoned up shirts and combed hair. And the kid from Series 1 doing the 'Clean Shirt' comment made me Lol too. Please end it at Series 6 though. Let Mark end up with Dobby and Jez with a job.