PC Randomly restarts after new motherboard + PSU Gutted. Got my PC working, but sometimes when you do something like close MSN, or open a music player the PC will just restart. Installed new motherboard drivers too. Any ideas?
is it bluescreening prior to cutting out? check our event viewer for error codes. Also do this... Right click My Computer > Properties > Advanced For startup and recovery click settings Then, uncheck "automatically restart" in the system failure box report back with error codes if you can.. If not - it could be overheating. Make sure all the fans are OK.
No bluescreens. Have done as instructed to stop restarts. Will give error codes if you could tell me where to find event viewer?
Two errors ahve occurred so far: Windows Media Player closed itself down (with the Send Error Report screen coming on) Explorer did the same thing whilst searching for documents. any ideas?
Playing a game has just closed saying 'you have encountered a serious error, this could be caused by overheating or viruses etc'..
id check the memory like, and make sure youve got quite a bit of thermal paste on the cpu. if you can check how fast ya fans are spinning up at. reconnect every bit into the maiboard again aswell
1 Stick of 512mb RAM (bought only in March) was affected, taking this out has given me a stable but slower system. I'll live for the moment on the original 512mb.