Paul Oakenfolds biography

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BRID, Mar 31, 2008.

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  1. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Paul Oakenfolds biography

    Just finished this last night.

    Interesting to see just how far he has come over the years! Pretty amazing career really. I can kind of appreciate his contribution to the industry and lots of things we take for granted now (the whole superstar dj thing). Its a bit more obvious now why he's shunned doing the usual UK club scene etc etc (whether you like it or not).

    He must be absolutely loaded like - He owns the house next door to the one in Connaught square that Tony Blair bought for 4+ million!

    .... still, with a massive and varied career like that, i still cant quite understand how he perform the simple act of beatmatching and mixing two records together last year at Crasher. :lol:

    Pretty interesting read none the less.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    Re: Paul Oakenfolds biography

    what does he say like?
  4. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Well, you can see how he personally has bigger fish to fry, than just doing what he's done for 20 odd years. Not that he actually says that in the book, but its just obvious he's had enough of playing to a thousand people in a dark club in the usual way.

    I doubt i'll ever turn up to an event JUST for him any more, cause its obvious that what he does now bears pretty much NO relation to what started him off, or what we turn up to clubs for eh.... but i suppose we cant knock him for it - he's just doing whats right for him.
  5. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i suppose as he's been at the top of the business, leading it in some parts, it can get mundane after 20 years...
  6. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Aye, you get the impression he just DJ's in the UK these days to pick up the obviously massive paychecks he know's he'll get.

    Who wouldnt eh.
  7. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.
    Don't think has had any passsion fot it since his backroom resdicency at cream.

    Used to like his goa mix but not much actual mixing going on.
  8. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I was gunna get this as id like to read all the earlier stuff he's done & experiences he's had - think it would be interesting, rather than turning up to a gig nowadays & not giving 2 shits how he plays or what people think of him.

    I respect what he's done & how far he's come, just cant get my head around his attitude to the whole game?
  9. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    From his perspective though, he's a product a promotor can sell ..... if you put his name on the billboard, people turn up, and the promotor makes a profit - I doubt its much to do with his musical ability.

    The stage show stuff he does gets people going as well - I was watching a video Mick took of his crasher gig and theres a bit with a load of fireworks going off just at the end of a breakdown on a big tune .... you cant help but smile when you see the place erupt... and hey, thats what people pay their money for eh.

    I think he moved on, and alot of us moved for part of that with him, and then got a bit miffed when he went above his 'station'
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    1 of my favourite mix Cd's, the 'Perfecto Fluoro' 1 from 1997, hardly ANY iof it's mixed, more just 'faded' in and out. Still, awesome lol but that was the height of the perfecto stuff, then and till the end of 99
  11. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    I started reading it when i went to Goa then give it back when i come back cos i decided to read Ricky Hattons instead.
  12. Dan

    Dan Registered User

    Jan 2, 2007
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    I think some people care more about a DJ's mixing than the actual music that is getting played.

    Oakey's mixing has never been good but when he was at his peak he played some amazing trance - surely that should be the most important thing?

    When you think of influential DJ's you think of Paul Oakenfold - the bloke deserves respect imo.
  13. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.

    Not really but to me since the goa mixes and the perfecto fluro era the guys had neither.imo

    He was in the right place at the right time and had the right contacts to make a career out of dance music.

    Poeple like Ron Hardy,Frankie Knuckles and the early chicago and detroit dj's deserve more respect for getting the music out in the first place and taking dj'ing forewards.

    Danny Rampling i can understand poeple having respect for as he started shoom and kicked started stuff over here but to me me oakenfold always had one eye on making money out the dance scene and just seemed to copy other poeples ideas and bring them into the mainstream.

    Just my thoughts of course i did see him in the pefecto fluro early cream days and was impressed but his mixing has got worse and he just looks so not intererested. Why bother seeing when there so many better artists out there.

    Not that i follow modern trance or rate anything he has done since the goa mixes.

    I do like his remix of Massive attack though.

    These are just my thoughts on the subject from books i have read and experince rather than being based on any real fact or anything to be honest,
  14. Gary Proud

    Gary Proud Registered User

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Well said.

    Imo If you have 20 years of practice with anything your bound to pick up the gist, in time want to better yourself technically or musically & push your self, it's a natural progression with anything. For me everytime I've seen Oakie he's been terrible, proving to me he doesn't give a shit, what he plays or how he plays it.

    Like James quite rightly said, he was in the right place at the right time, theres a lot of DJ's still doing the rounds like him who are nothing more than dead wood in the Industry, living off the fact that they were round when the whole Dance Scene kicked off, doing fuck all to warrant the huge festivals/gigs they play charging promoters obscene amounts of money to book them.

    I respect where he is & how he's got there, but Oakie is nothing more than a clever businessman, as a musician/DJ - tosh.
  15. Jimmy

    Jimmy Registered User

    Dec 23, 2002
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    Is there a full chapter devoted to his shite haircuts?
  16. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
    Likes Received:
    "Aye you look arsed like"
    :lol: :lol:
  17. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Oakenfold is a quality A+R man, average DJ but is great at spotting opportunities.
  18. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    He must do loads with his life now, he's probably just grown out of djing as peoples opinions do change as they get older, look at the rate peoples music tastes change on here, emagine playing trance for 20 years, it'd probably depress me too, and who wouldn't still dj the odd night if being promised a few grand, you'd be nuts not to.
  19. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Granted, most of what he's done is 'import' things from other scenes, and expand upon it .... but i wonder if any of us would be here right now if it wasnt in part due to him.

    .... Alot of the dj's we massively respect these days are riding on the industry that people like Oakie created, love it or hate it.

    His current haircut and dress sense is looking well OAP though.
  20. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Oakenfold was a big player in the early Goa sound. Ian St Paul (T.I.P records) and Oakenfold would go to Goa party's around 1990, and then come back to the UK with the first 'killa' tunes.

    Dragonfly records was the first label to fully push Goa trance into Psy trance. Perhaps even the first 'psy' label?!!
  21. james909

    james909 Registered User

    Feb 24, 2004
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    Last Train To No Where.

    Yes because of Danny and jenny Rampling's Schoom and the boys at Clink street plus loads of other partys happening around london from 1987 onwards.

    Plus the Hacadendia had it own thing going on really early as well in the uk which set the blueprint.

    As ferox says maybe you trancebods owe him some due for pushing goa trance early doors but he really has not that much to do with what i am into.

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