Passwords through winrar is there any way i can break through a password on winrar, i downloaded somethin and i cant get the password for it, and its doin my tits in
Re: Passwords through winrar There is, if you can bare with me for a coupla hours til I get home from work I'll find it for ya...
there are numerous password crackers out there for files, but be prepared to leave it for a very long time... if you have any idea as to how many digits / what characters it uses, then you can narrow the search, but if like - in most cases - you have no idea, then it has to search every available combination - which given that above more than a few characters there are millions and millions of potential ones, you can expect to leave it for days / weeks.... there are other ways... but those are the most common...
Got the prog - it can do about 50000 passwords per sec brute force You got msn Chris? (it's less than a meg).
If it's adownloaded program, the password is usually the website it originally came from- can normally be found as the name of a text file or nfo in the archive, might save you a long time of waiting for a password cracker
it give me a link to the website so i can register with them and access the forums, but the registration thing is deactivated or somethin sooo...