Parking in Town Right - Mr Science is normally my human satnav during Uni term time, but since he has left someone else will have to take his place!!! I need somewhere safe to park my car in town, near Northumbria Uni, preferably ellison, i am there for 10 hours so need somewhere cheap, as I am walking on my own to car at 7.30pm I also need somewhere safe. Any one know of any places? I am also terrible at driving in town so need somewhere easy to get too
you going back to school after the kids are you are a shining light emerging from john majors britan. a true unmarried tennage mum to look up too!! hooooraaaaa
Sorry I cant help. Last time I was brave not just to drive to The Gate carpark, I ended up facing buses next to Grey's Monument!
Mr Fish - this is my second year at big school Ill have you know! And it is KID not KIDS!!!! And yes - I am a true unmarried mother to look up to! I go to work and everything me! Anyway - cheers for replies peeps but I am just going to do the metro like last year, I am going to risk walking to heworth long stay car park on my own at 8pm at night Does anyone know where I can buy pepper spray??? just incase!
Seen that numpty yesterday at Pelaw, he had his top off with loads of littles cronies round him when he broke into the chorus: "I'm bue da ba di ba dar daba deeeeeda ba" I didn't hang around long enough to here if he recieved a call from Si Cowell.
LOL I'm surprised he is still around! Then recently you must have seen 'the pelaw threat' he must only be about 17/18, but he is atleast 7ft and a big lad - the brains of an orange - very dangerous!