Pancake Day Cancelled! it's Britian gone MAD - MAD I TELL YOU!!! my favourite quote : Bernard Bateman, Liberal Democrat councillor for Ripon North and one of the organisers, blamed "bureaucracy". YOU'RE A LIBERAL!!!! YOU CREATE IT ALL FOOOOOOOOOOLLS! medical staff on stand by honestly... what a nation we have become. Roll on armageddon and the muslims blowing us up.
Its not just Britain. An Australia Day BBQ was called off at my local pool for exactly the same reasons - H&S
the world is destroying itself, and it's not muslims, the PC crowd, americans, communists or even global warming. death by H&S :fart:
i wouldn't say they were the initial cause but they've definately added large amounts of fuel to the fire
Yeah they wouldn't exist if there wasn't something there already but they've hardly helped. Now everybody is covering their backs to massive extents to try and avoid any law suits. The blame lies more with them than it does H+S officials imo
well I guess it lies with us ultimately since we all would sue the cooncil if we thought we would get a big payout. I always thought pancakes were dangerous. all that tossing. bound to end with an accident IMO