Paintballing Who has done this before? Theres 50 of us from work going in a few weeks and I'm wondering what it is like????
yep, this REALLY hurts... some of the scars/bruises that people came away with when i went were fukkin horrendous
If you see someone lying down like in a sniper like position, shoot them in the arse, on the coxics (spelling)!! Its supposed to hurt more than most area's
I'll bear that in mind. That cd chould be with ya soon m8. Me writers been fecked but i've got ya address!!!!!
I play once a month @ Witton Castle for 6E. Besides mountain biking its my favourite sport. It doesnt hurt when u get hit in most places. Your face is covered anyway. Has only hurt me when ive been shot in the neck. Hurts a little when the balls skim u as well. Other than that its fun! Can be costly tho if your a little trigger happy. have alook at if you can travel to witton le wear. Cheap, and unlike the other ones it has its own river u can navigate across which is fun for mad skirmishes.
Couple of battle hints for ya: Wear gloves - gettin hit on the fingers stings and can hamper your trigger action. Take a cloth - for wiping down your face mask. Once it steems up during battle (and it will) your a sitting duck - cause like you can't see. Anti mist lotion - to prevent mask steam-up - again this is the worst thing that can happen. Don't hold back - get in the action rather than stay on the sidelines trying to pick people off, it's more fun. Try not to get shot on the forehead - dam it hurts.
when i went if you got shot in the head it didnt count so i thought if i hide behind summit and keep my head up i could see the enemy...untill i got shot right between the eyes, after a couple of seconds of blurry eyes i didnt do it again!! i was also victim to lying in a sniper position and getting shot right up the arse!!fookin hell!
Should be alot cheaper than that mate, unless your getting the big bag deal (which actually works out better) heres the prices Standard Game Fee £19.50 per person includes the hire of all equipment, a sit-down bar meal for lunch, hot and cold drinks free on site* all day and 100 paintballs. Big Bag Special £43.50 per person includes the hire of all equipment, a sit-down bar meal for lunch, hot and cold drinks free on site* all day and a big bag of 500 paintballs.
Yep its worth it, I just get charged £15 a time cause we always bring 20people(ex work vs DSS ooer) and thats cause i bring my own gun/balls. Its my fave local Paintballing place, u going for the whole day? If so ull be knackered by the end. You get camo overalls. My best advice is wear some loose fitting jeans (best to absorb impacts) and dont wear new trainers! Wear trainerboots if you can (The old style lol) just cause the course is steep in places and ull slide everywhere. Theres a game called Defend the Bastille which is class, u have to defend or raid a fort surrounded by a river. There are also traitors who go postal when a hooter is blown. You'll have a blast!!
I think we should organise a message board paintballing day out!! ive never been before but i really fancy it!