Packet sniffers They are really fun. I'm never saying anything private on msn on a network again. We were capturing whole convos, peoples email, all sorts of good stuff. hehe
This week's fun item im playing with: Net Send Address faker hehehe, anyone pisses me off at college, i send a message to admin (which sends the message to every computer in college) and using net send faker - choose the person's computer number im disliking hehehe, within 5 minutes no less than 10 technicians will be standing around the unfortunate's computer MWAHAHAHAHA :evil: :evil: :evil: so much fun :groovy:
Re: Packet sniffers well im definitely having no personal convos in MSN Messenger when your online mate!!! :evil: eeeeevil eavesdropper rob!!!
Re: Re: Packet sniffers You need to be on the same LAN for it to work and not using a network switch. BTW - Apparently is you use a cable modem other cable modem users (in the same area) can capture all your stuff using this method!
It's key loggers you should be worried about. - read that and be paranoid!
as a matter of course I'd assume that any data traffic that you generate across the www*, i.e. msn convos, internet email, sites you hit, downloads from kazaa/winmx are potentially traceable and trackable by evil ppl like the governenment, law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies and Rob also if you're on the web and someone gets your IP address (v easy to do) its v easy for someone to have a quick peek at your computer and see what files you have or what you're doing at the time. I'm not paranoid, I really think they're out to get us anyone recommend good firewall thing?? * same goes for phone calls and txts be very sacred!
Start an msn convo with them, and then open up a command prompt type "route print" This will show you their IP. hehehehe