P.C Games I've just received a free P.C off a relative & it's ultra powerful so i was wondering if any of you lot could recommend any good games? Cheers
Wey it's an ex-developers kit given to me by my cousin who is a software engineer for Midway Interactive, all i know is that it's running 3 custom IBM processors @ 4.7G.H, a custom graphic & sound cards, 1000GB hard drive & loads of other custom bits n bobs
what gfx card is it tho, what reference board? im sure if it was an ex developers it should be ok, although i know some developers use them funny matrox ones
Mention the cousin from midway.... check! Mention his developers kit pc.... check! Slag off the xbox 360.... negative! Bang on about the PS3.... negative! Only met 2 of the usual 4 criteria for a one of your posts m8 poor effort.
aye those beasty big long ones that cost a fortune! At least that was the case a while back. They're probably built onto a surf board these days.
Mint that im not the only one who instantly thought that. As for games Bioshock Half Life 1 and 2 Flatout 2 Quake 4 Call of Juarez Company of Heroes Supreme Commander Oblivion Baldurs Gate series Command and Conquer 3 MEdal of Honor World of Warcraft Monkey Island Series. That should do you for pretty much ever
Well I certainly never knew that his cousing was working for a games company on at Team Valley, as he's never mentioned it before.