Overdraft For the first time in about 4 years im OUTSIDE of my overdraft .... i thought i'd share the good news with the whole board It was nearly up to 5 grand a while ago ... not good! I might make it into the black this side of 30 at this rate .... Anyone else got any heart warming 'get out of debt' stories to share?
25k oof! I think at my worst it was about 15k with car loans, overdrafts, mixer finance, laptop finance and the last of my student loans. I didnt really think about it at the time but its quite a depressing thought looking back to think that at the end of this day you actually have nothing to show for any of your efforts. Just need to get the guts to cancel the overdraft limit down to 0 now!
Aye mine was a combination of credit cards, loans, overdraft etc, i paid all my cards and loans of and closed the accounts altho i do still have my overdraft available !! If id known how hard debt was gonna be to get rid of and how long it was gonna take to get rid id never of getin in that deep like ! Took me 8 years i think
I had to go to the extreme with my debt and sell my house to get out of it, although Im happy I did now as the current owners have informed me that the house is worth less than they bought it for and they have already reserved a new build oops. I feel rather shite!
Nobody forced em into buyin it eh Zoe, and its not like you valued it yourself either. For some reason when i HAVE money, im better with it since its actually MINE then .... when its credit, you just end up spending it willy nilly.
I did something similar but killed 2 birds with one stone, sold my old flat , paid my debt off ( well wot was left of it ) and put a decent deposit down on my house !!!
I didnt make enough on the sale to do that I still owe some money so i wasnt even totally debt free from selling!
this is my new years resolution..to clear my student overdraft can't imagine it being easy, but it needs to be done
... Finally just picked up the guts to outright cancel it completely! Just 2 years of a 5 year loan, and a laptop to pay off now!
I was in my 700quid overdraft for about 2yrs until last year. They're shite, never again. I also paid off my credit cards and store cards last year. Just a 3k loan which will be paid off when I sell my clio. DEBT FREE! I now drive a Nissan Note which I get through work for £130 a month. that includes insurance (for me, rach and me stepdad) and tax and I hand it back after a year and either get another note or pick a different Nissan. I might get a qashqai next year, I think they'll be about £170 a month.