Ouch!!! Just got a new tattoo down my fore arm and it was rather painful compared to the others i have.. Round the wrist area is bloody sore.. Class tattoo though and well worth the pain!
Re: Ouch!!! even when your 50, goin wrinkley, sittin around the pool in Majorca and the tattoos faded... mmmm sure
The way im going i'll not see 50, so who gives a fuk.. Besides if i ever fall out with them lazer sugery is a simple proceedure now...
Yeah, ive got a Little Giant symbol on my left shoulder aswell. Im thinking of one for my Back but I think maybe 3 is enough. I dont want to end up looking daft..
yeah I know what you mean. I've got three as well. I really want one on the base of my spine but I don't wanna end up looking shit cos I've got too many
I have 4 but I am stopping there one at the base of my spine one round my left arm one inbetween my shoulder blades one down my right foot