'orrible weather!! im just hoping i can get to newcastle tomorra intime for me going out. it took me close to an hour to get home tonight, and it usually only takes 5 mins!!! frickin snow akk!! im gona have to set off quite eirly!
Damn right its awful, some little shit just threw a snow ball off my window. The little shit only looked about 12, maybe it was Crasherkid!!!
Re: 'orrible weather!! u better come u still have my pops!!!! I gotta get there before 9 I live in bloody weardale theres huge snow drifts n all sorts got meetins and all sorts *prays for rain 2night*
not at all arsed bout the weather at all 2day! it got me out of work 2 hours early 2nite and i still get paid!! how jammy am i!!
ah fook off ya whingers...... the snow's lovely, was driving home past 3ft high drifts in a white out. mint