Orbit I finish work at 7pm, will walk along home. We could get to Boro for 9pm a reckon - thats if your still going aye ?!?! I cant PM cos its fucked at work when i try to.. Cheers
Its probs best to go somewhere beforehand to drop stuff off and that ! I am bringing a change of clothes cos its probs gonna be boiling inside - i cant stand staying in same clobber Cleanliness / tidyness pest
lol Yous know how to get to Stockton i imagine???? ill meet you's somewhere and you's can leave the car/stuff at linzis.
John/ Vin have a good nite for team oakie Sorry i cant come jsut the £££ aint there at all Gonna have to get another team okaie nite out sorted sooner the better
I deffo up for a night out with rest of team oakie but Newcastle playing a home game every 3 days for what seem like a month has skinted me.
The Shack 3rd December: Jules & Trophy Twins 10th (i got the date wrong) icotto & Ornadel 17th: Sanchez (6 Hour Set) NYE: Hed Kandi
think im goin to london for lange & smith + pledger on the 10th like, canny good line ups tho (except NYE ¬ )