Orange / Vodaphone to sell Iphone in Uk from 2010 Thats about it really. About fucking time wheres the rules about monopolys when it comes to tech
Just caught bits of this on the radio on my way to work, had a bit of a giggle at Orange gettin it like fuck sake man a canit even get a signal at the best of times!. The i,phone on Orange will do down like a lead balloon if they don't make some serious technical changes to their service like
vodafone are shit. i have the n97 and desperatly awaiting the new software update to fix a few faults with the phone caused by nokia. now nokia released the software ages ago but vodafone are holding it back. phone will work fine after this but has had quite a few things wrong with it so far. so keep getting texts from nokia saying to update but vodafone wont let me. might just debrand phone actully.
Few people i know have a rite shit signal with theirs, n the net is like ditch water aswell. I fear when orange start dishin them out people will be sendin them back left rite n centre
could do with some clarification on this, does this mean the iphone will no longer be provided by O2? O2 are getting exclusive rights to the palm pre (apparently better than the iphone). the htc hero/t-mobile g2 is apprently better than both due to its use of android.
aye iphones lose connections quite easily in bad connection areas , mine loses signal going into gateshead from gateshead stadium on the metro like !! picks it straight back up once in the station like !!
my o2 signal is gash and always has been, I dont think it matters what network your on, the signals gash whatever youve got
Ive got a year to run on my contract but will certainly be looking at getting an iphone after that, prices should be much better by then
i wouldn't bank on it. at the end of the day, it's still an ipod, so it's still going to have the £100 price tag.
Plus why would Orange & Vodafone offer it for less than 02. Peeple have prooved they are eaily led and want an iphone and will pay over the odds for them in terms of paying for the phone and paying £35 a month. They'd be daft to charge less when people will pay that. Their main draw is that their own customers won't now want to leave and go to o2 just for an iphone.
Orange are getting the i,phone in no later than the end of november this year according to a m8 that works there
Im happy to pay a ton for it initially I just dont want to be paying anymore than about £35 a month on my contract