Orange Evolution... I was just looking at the website of the freevolution orange festival, because a mate told me it was alcohol free , it says you cant bring alcohol or bottles in Did anyone go last year? Are there bars?
Re: Orange Evolution... there are, but they have the shittest choices of booze fosters was the only lager i think last year, i fucking hate the stuff but i still spent £25 on ten cans
@ Eyeball cheers mate appreciated I can live with fosters, l had thoughts of trying to do this after HiFi and Dig birthday without a few pints down me
The bars are being run by a different company this year. Much more choice + more staff. See you at the bar
cant wait for this! im not doing hifi so this is my replacement. it was class last year and there's always loads of good local bands.
this is the day after hifi you knob we'll all be going to this anyway! its free and we can sit in the sun and listen to the bands.
it's on the bamk holiday monday isn't it???? I CAN go to this how exciting as I have finished uni on the 27th!!!wooop and I will have recovered from my ultimate hangover from wherever I end up on saturday, Get in!
Baltic Square and Spillers Wharf Should be good! Some decent people on
their new album is fucking class! saw them at bulletproof back in feb- cant wait to see them, sunshine underground and graham coxon at orange!!
wanna see Hard Fi good album (possibly due to the fact im lazy and it has been in my car for about 20 years)
looking forward to it, should be good, although i can only just cover the price of admission... Which should tell you a lot given its free. on a lighter note, my g/f has went teetotal, which can only mean brighter times ahead for my bank balance