Orange blocked sim Iv blocked my orange sim and it isnt asking for a PUK code, it says SIM BLOCKED. Does this mean its goosed and I cant unlock it???
I have 3 brand new Sim Cards in the house.. 2 X Virgin with 400 Txts a month, £10 top up required. 1 x 02 with 300 Txts a month, £10 top up required. U can have one if ya like ?!?!
iv got about 200 sim cards lying about! i cant lose this number its my work one and iv had it for many years!! if i cant reconnect is there anyway i can get the numbers out of it??
i've had a look around - you could be stuffed. Only chance is ringing Orange and asking them... u got a fancy phone? i've got some software for 1 of my phones (GX10i) that allows me to download/edit my SIM directly... but it's only for that model... i'm pretty sure the nokia suite does stuff like that.. are the numbers defo stored on the SIM, not the phone?
iv just tried it in another phone and its asking for the PUK in that one pheeeeeew! now i have to remember the false name and address i used to register it UGH
mos can u flash phones and all that jazz??? iv got all the leads and shit but could never find up2date software firms etc u had any luck?
yeah, well.. depends on the model... did loads with my Samsung t100. got a jap one, then got the unbranded UK version of the t100i firmware - that worked a treat Got quite a bit of stuff for a sharpe gx10i - a few firmwares knocking about - but nowt without the vodaphone branding. Just/currently got a nokia 6600 smartphone - unlocked that and seen the flashes for it - but not got the cables.. got some unlock code generator for Nokia and a few other models that works quite well, mainly DCT4 and a few DCT3 phones... but worth a shot! EDIT : and i'm flogging the 6600 on ebay
apparently u have to enter **05* on moto phones to get to the PUK prompt, thtas y i wasnt getting one. sorted now tho. iv got a brand new working nokia 8210e that was sent to me when i lost my other handset, i then found my handset but the new phone wasnt activated so i want to copy my old firmware on the old phone to the new phone, i have cables but cant find newish software.. i also have a Samsung A300 that i found but its been barred across n/ws so is it useless p
i'll have a look around for firmware for that nokia... as for the a300, have u thought about *ahem* the IEMI? i used this forum a bit for modding my T100... might be worth checking out... i'll post about the cable...
The old Samsung phones like the A300 used to have a SIM Lock on them so if you put a different SIM in them than the original one you used it locks the phone and only Samsung have the codes (i.e you can also find them on the net)
my T100 was bought locked off ebay - i then unlocked it and it's been fine, i must admit - dunno about the E300