Opinions in Clubland There seems to be a serious problem in clubland were people assume the worst, for instance, at the tidy weekender 3 i colapsed due to the heat and the strobe lighting,not due to ghb or ketamine(which i didn't take!), but this did not stop people calling me a 'fucking disgrace' and that i personally have jeperdized future tidy weekenders. why do people assume the worst and have such opinionated views of people they have never met? This has added to the distress of colapsing, especially as i may have triggered dormont epilepsy.(could stop me clubbing!!) have people not heard of 'benifit of the doubt',some people don't seem to think before they form an opinion, Opinionated people have no place in clubland IMO.
Re: Opinions in Clubland The people who werent giving you the benfit of doubt were OFF THERE FACE!!! Not a good snapshot of the human race. People will always judge a book by its cover!.
Re: Re: Opinions in Clubland don't juudge a book just by it's cover, unless it covers just another. John Lydon knows
We saw that at GKGG last year. Someone took a fit in the Gods arena due to the strobes. She knew she had epilepsy, so why on Earth was she there, at the front, by the strobes knowing the risks involved? Sounds harsh, but her own stupid fault!!! Be a good idea to go to the doctors about it, epilepsy is serious and needs to be correctly diagnosed. It may, in fact, result in you having to give up clubbing, but I'm sure I'd rather do that then risk my life/health. As for the heat, it's the same in any club. Sundissential on saturday was really hot, you just take regular breaks from dancing to cool off and make sure you drink enough water to cool yourself down. Plenty ways to go clubbing safely and not risk your health... :groovy:
i had a kinda fit thing at gkgg. only came on in the last 30 mins, happened twice, quite scary. my eyes twitched when the strobes flashed and i started shaking and fell over... i have no previous history of epilepsy. but it happened, i left that arena, rested, went into another one thinking nothing of it, and it happened again. it's never happened since. this leads me to believe that this kind of thing can happen with prolonged exposure to strobes, who knows, only explanation i could manage.
Re: Opinions in Clubland There seems to be a serious problem in clubland where a cowie-muncher is using W-I-D-E generalisations across clubbing based on the reactions of one or two people
if people do want to get themselves is such a mess - then on their own head be it. People should take responsibility for their actions and realise how certain things may look. Due to the society we live in, clubbers/ravers/whatever u want to call them have a reputation for 'getting off their heads on drugs' at these 'rave parties' as they call them, however true/untrue this maybe - people flaking out and collapsing due to not looking after themselves only re-inforces that image.