Operation mouse hunt Awwwww bless my little pussy kitten. When I got home from work, she'd brought me a pressie, an iccle cute mouse! Trouble was though, she let it go and it went under a bookcase. Took me ages to get it out so I could let it go outside and help it escape sudden death.
Nah, she's always catching the bloody things. She doesnt eat them, just torments them and they die from fright. They never have a mark on them. And I feed her so she doesnt need to catch her dinner!
She's a big fat monster. Just ask Spud or Ruth, they'll tell u. She's adorable really, still young so I know the catching critters will stop, it did with our other cat
is there sumthing up in ur household? when sum1s sad or angry, my cat will bring us an array of small birds and mammels, just to show us that whatever happens, she can still provide for us...and remeber, never shout at her for killing mice/birds/butterflies, cos she will just think ur still angry at her and bring you more to make it up to you!
When I tell her not to do it she looks at me like she's all upset and cant understand what she's done wrong! Bless Theres nothing up in my house that I know of. Maybe she just loves us all and keeps wanting to show us how much
I think dogs, cats etc assume they're getting wrong for the thing they've just done. That's why u should never tell a dog off for sumthing that happened half an hour ago. That's what I've heard anyway.
I think you missed my meaning there hun. I meant that she cant understand why I tell her not to catch them cos its her way of being nice to us
Aww bless. She's just came in and started looking for it! It escaped hours ago! She went back outside and was probably looking for it but now she must think its still here cos she didnt find it outside!
thought it must've been venus!!! shes a little bitch amy!!! she looks so sweet n that.then she'll get a look in her eye & if u don't shift smartish it's gonna hurt - alot!!