Online Train Booking Sites Does anybody else use them and do you have problems with them? I've used a few over the years, thetrainline, midlandmainline, virgintrainfares and gner and in almost half of them I've had problems with. I've just been getting my train ticket for the weekend and dispite it accepting my card and directing me to the final confirmation screen, I've received no email. No basically, if it hasn't arrived by friday im up shit creek without a paddal, because I have no reference number. This has happened to me twice now with Virgintrainfares, and although I'm sure the tickets will arrive like they have done in the past, it does piss me off Im left wondering if its all going to go tits up. Rant over, Virgin you're shit
I always phone gner cos prefer speaking to someone. Also for some reason when i booked over the internet i couldnt use the fast ticket machine.
i'll just book at the train station as online they are all fucked, telling you that there are trains when there isn't one and the prices are usually completely different as well i know how it feels, fuckin waste of space
My nearest fast ticket machine is in Stockport I don't like to do it over the phone because surely the people on the other end are trying to get their commission so they're going to sell you the more expensive ticket?
Na they aint normally to bad. They just read the prices of the screen. Ya have a railcard? I just prefer bein able to shout at someone on a phone rather than kick my computer
Always use and cant say i have had any problems yet - touch wood! Used a few times n had no problems either. Guess av just been lucky.
I usually use GNER. Always had good experiences booking with them. Only prob is the cheap tickets sell out really quickly so I try to book at least a month in advance to be guaranteed them if I know where I'm going in advance. Virgin are fucking shit though. Made me sit on the floor on sunday, even though I'd got a seat reserved! Someone was sitting in it as they'd made the train a carriage less than it should've been, so to save them having hassle, they decided not to honour reservations. 1st class was empty, so instead of letting me have a seat there instead, I had to sit on the floor in 1st class instead. Fucking twats.
I used to work for GNER on the phones for a year, you have to book 1 or 2 months in advance to get cheap tickets, i would advise on using the phone and not the net, theres loads of problems on the net, also it helps to be very nice to the advisor, that way they will look harder for a cheap ticket, ITS TRUE!! we dont work on commision shaun but if someone is being a tit on the phone then advisors dont look very hard for cheap tickets, ALSO it may seem daft BUT ring twice! you might get someone who doesnt have a clue who will try to sell you an expensive ticket, try ringing again you may get a shock just some handy tips there for you all when booking with GNER on the phone