Onebigweekend Judge Jules Fergie Eddie Halliwell Rob Tissera Shan Alex Kidd Adam Sheridan FREE but what do u mean i have to go to manchester to get a ticket!! "Radio 1 will host two special ticket giveaways in Albert Square, Manchester to give everyone the chance to get hold of the hottest ticket in town! everyone u say... well your not giving me much of chance are u !!
exactly! so if i wanted to make it onebigweek then i would have to go to manchester twice, to get tickets for both days...
yep which is a piss take & pretty shit really!!! i wud've loved to have gone cos it's my b/day weekend & the phonics r 1 of my fav bands!! feeder r also quality!! sat wud've been canny gud an all!!
yep its well shit... u cant even phone up to get tickets u have to go down. i maybe wouldnt mind going down but, but the tickets are on sale at 6pm to 9pm, which means i would have to make a night of it down there and i aint got the money for that, in fact i aint got the money to get down there anyway not impressed
unfortunatley tho the only gg event b4 the may bank hol weekend is this weekend at tt!! i can't afford to go to tt & its amy's b/day bender!!! so its a lose lose situation!!!
i meant i can get the free tickets without buying a gg one or going to manc. and i aing going to the radio one thing anymore.
i was nearly confoosed then, well actually i was!!! u do however have th esmall consollation of going to liverpool that weekend tho!!! :chill:
going to the shack to with mates from round boro on the fri to see him then cream on the sat with tom, jo etc.