one stana stair lift for sale going cheap. RIP Thora Hird Yes it's true, she's finally gone! quick get the nails, make sure she cant get out of the coffin! Has our Flora finally taken the stenna lift to the upper floor, I bet shes on her stenna stair lift to heaven right now. There goes the sales of SAGA holidays, Sex and Games for the aged tho. It must have been hard living with the rhyming slang for shit as as name i dont get it when the bbc say she was much loved. i mean i can understand liked a bit. but who would actually say 'i love thorahird' they could be honest in their reporting. the much laffed at Thora Hird Well good night folks, and Thora
She was well loved. ask anyone over 28 or something and they will be quite upset about it. my mam was nearly crying about it last night when i told her