Old personal favourites Are there any tunes in your vinyl box/bag that you'd never leave the house without? Mine would be Marco V - Revolt, Marco V - Indicator and The Green Martian - Harmonic Minor. I can't seem to let go of theses tunes although I dont play them every time I play out
Mr Sam Vs Fred Baker - Waiting forever POS - Remember EON - Pocket Damage Firs + Ice - Silent Cry Lange VS Demond - MemorRising sy Rising Star - Clear Blue moon Holden + Tompson - Nothing Marco V - Echoes
top thread, here's mine : Sasha - Be as one J.C. - u r my love igor s - boomerang Space brothers - shine is all i can remember off the top of my head. there's loads.
light force - join me accesion - someone conductor and cowboy - feelin this way just some that remind me of years gone
yeah, used to love feelin this way, sounds quite dated now, but just reminds of good times, when i was first getting into clubbing
fused- terror (Max reich mix) chus and ceballos- afrika funk d'void- diabla ( for the end of the night)