ok joe...u win. you tricked me. you got me to say all those things. I shouldnt have done but I did. I tried coming on here to meet like minded people, to a point I have done but tbqh, if you all follow the likes of Joe, you will never be your own people. I will still continue to stomp on at promise, quality and shindig and take buckets full of drugs. sorry to have offended if i did, in fact no im not cos i didnt offend any fucker. so thats two people down you are today. enjoy your promise family and Spock, may we never ever meet.
is this an atempt at getting sympathy????? or a statement of utter shite? what? Is you resigning from the bored ment to be a huge thing .... and why be so childish as to do it # god people are getting so touchy these days oh well ..... buy then!
don't go eeze!!! if joe wins it'll give him even more confidence!!!! and thats not wat any1 wants!!!!
Re: ok joe...u win. few little pointers for you... - engage brain before typing. - whilst typing, consider if what you have typed could be mis-construed or interpreted wrongly thus leading people to jump to conclusions about what you meant. - try to avoid digging yourself into a hole. admit when you realise you are wrong, or it has been quite categorically pointed out to you that you are wrong. - only try and argue about something you actually have some knowledge about or posses some factual information on. - finally, stop being a rasisct fucking cunt, or i'll hunt you down, pour petrol down your throat, before seetting fire to you and watching you burn from the inside out. p.s. have a nice day.
have a pat on the back and a medal while your at it. you want to nitpick on spelling mistakes feel free to, it just makes you look like an anal little prick, fuck off back to where you came from if you havn't got anything useful to add. this does not take away from the fact that i'm sick and tired of seeing rascit remarks on this message board. i won't tolerate them in real life, why should i tolerate the virtual type? its beyond a joke now, there is no place for it and it will not be tolerated, atleast not by me. edit: all spelling & grammer edited to please insignifcant, pretentious, pedantic and anally retentive cunts on-board with us today.
err rrrite! first off u were makin a point about spellin in posts, u made a wee tiny mistake nd i was jus jokin about wit it, no need 2 hav a dig at me for otha ppl makin racist comments i aint tryin 2 take sides or anythin coz its non of my business, jus think ppl shud chill out a bit more
where was i making as point about spelling? are you seriously that stupid? i was referring to his choice of words when constructing his points, as he repeatedly claims to of been misunderstood.
if he were burning crosses on my lawn would you turn a blind eye? He is a facist - why should we accomidate him?
waaaaat? how the fuk hav i suddenly become the bad guy here!? lol im getin slated by joe nd confuzzled coz u hav serious issues wit ezeelad now i really dont think he has been burning crosses on ur lawn has he? coz im sure if he was u'd go out nd hit him wudnt u? nd no, i wudnt turn a blind eye coz facism nd racism is wrong, thing is im not sayin either u or ezeelad are right or wrong, ur both as bad as each other coz ur fightin like little kids on here i aint here to argue wit ppl, i came here 2 tlk 2 ppl who hav the same interest in music as me, simple keep me out of ur personal feud wit ezeelad
if ur here to talk music, fuck off back to the music forum eeze made several racist remarks and I found them offensive
If people are rascist at the football they get banned from the stadiums across the country for life. We should treat them no different.