OJ Guilty!!!! Bet he thought he could get away with robbery seeing as he got away with murder!! http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-oj4-2008oct04,0,2681440,full.story
Werent his lawyers the same as Michael Jackson's as well when he got let off for dabbling with young n's? Im sure OJ hired private investigators to investigate the squad of people who were looking into the murder and summit stupid like gloves werent swapped when gathering forensic evidence ended up getting him off the actual whole thing. He's a fucking tail end anyways, course he didnt do it
aye he had the same briefs i think. Its exactly 13 years, to the day, that he got off with the murder!!! Suppose he's had an extra 13 years oot like!!
Only in America could someone murder their wife, get fuck all and then get a massive sentence for pinching a couple of signed balls. What a tosser.