Oh dear.... I think this poor American has addled her brain with drugs http://www.geocities.com/kandykidfromhell Just have a look around this site, its pretty disturbing!
Oh my God! http://www.plur.cheekfreak.com/custom.html This is excellent stuff, I could sit on this site all day
Have you seen the story at the end? "I don't think there was ever a boy growing up who loved candykids more than I did.I used to pray evrey night that candy girls would pop up out of a patch and say I was a special person.....I weas never into raves but I always loved the magical people.The candykids. So,my dream came true.In 2001 on a streetcorner I met a candygirl.I was so depressed over life.I saw her walking down a street and I ran to her begging for her to autograph my backpack and I told her how much I loved her and she took my hand and said let's play.She held me in her arms and kissed me so many times for the first day in myt life I felt special.I got to sit in her lap and she gave me all the love attention my parents never gave me.It my dream to spent the day with a candyraver. After 5 years it happened....We spent 18 hours together and we did'nt know each other."
you would get arrested for this in Britain...all sounds a bit perverted to me...love and attention its illegal for your parents to give you...
It was a link from a Rainbow Brite site, I was looking for a new avatar for the GC board and found these! The Candy Ravers in America seem to have Rainbow Brite like we have Pokemon over here
i'm holding back the tears from laughing so hard. i have also have built a horrible mental picture of them eurgh
LMAO - MagicPaul the pic wooouldnt work,click the link http://www.geocities.com/kandykidfromhell/blur2.jpg