Nutters The muslim nutters are kicking off again, in Lebanon. I support this ''peacefull'' protest, (Wrecking their own country this time) morons
theyre fucking idiots. theyve already killed a catholic priest over these cartoons, they need locking up man
didnt the torch the danish embassy aswell ? some onf them are morons end off *awaits joe's racist comment*
LOL shud read "Behead those that oppose Islam, except the few that give me my benefits at the dss every week :blush: "
they do my box in, hypocritical fuckers, they hate the west and everything it stands for, yet they will reap its benefits and sell coca cola and other stuff that symbolises western capatalism. while at the same time critisise everything it gives them and then demand its destruction. i wish these hyprocrit cunts would fuck off back to where their origins are from and sample some proper 'muslim life'.
what like they all gather together to have a chat about destroying the west and one of the suicide bombers turns up and says, my bombs no working, whats up with it? two seconds later boooom!!!! there all dead
They were strangely quiet when a French newspaper pointed out Jewish rabbis are regularly portrayed as cannibals on prime time Syrian tv. I've absolutely no sympathy for them.