Nursery rhymes that were twisted to be rude or sick. or childrens programme tunes Heres one down in fraggle rock grab a fraggle by its cock swing it round ya head till the bastards DEAD!
every1 seems 2 have gone *looks about at the promise towers and see's no1* oh well i'm off 2 tidy towers then!
can any1 remember the mocking bird rhyme!!! it went: hush little baby don't u cry momma's gonna buy u a mocking bird & if that mocking bird don't sing momma's gonna buy u a diamond ring & if that diamond ring don't shine momma's gonna buy u a porcupine & if that porcupine don't prick momma's gonna hit u over the head with a brick!!!
The fraggle rock one i knew was Down at fraggle rock grab a fraggle by the cock swing him in the air by his pubic hair
mary had a little lamb it's fleece was bright white but lots of stuff on its bum thats known to people as shite! That was a crap one that ive just made up!
I've got one... little miss druggy sat in her buggy smokin a pipe ov weed, along came a spider and skinned up beside her and sold her some acid and speed....
Yeah! Louise told me that the other night but it was a kilo of speed. heee e ehehehehe he hhehhe funny!