numb numb numb ive been sat on my foot for the past half hour and its gone all numb...i hate that...cos altho its cool to fall abuot for 5 mins, when the blood goes back into it it hurts like hell....i remeber wen i was at the millenium dome (forced school trip) watching the performance, my entire lower body went to sleep and i cudnt stand up for 5 mins after it had ended. was kinda scary actually coswe were sat on the floor near the centre and loads and loads of people started rushing about me and i cudnt move loved the relaxation zone...soo nice...oh dear...i seem to have gone off on a im going to bed....nite x
hahahahaha, thats class, i love it when ya foot goes numb n u fall about the place, tis well funny, but ure right, when u start getting the pins n needles it hurts to fuck
I was in bed the other night and I must have fallen asleep with my arm above my head on the pillow. I woke up later on and tried to move my arm and it was going no where. It did'nt feel like my arm. Just flopped about. I had to move it with my other arm until I got the feeling back in it again. I hate it.
lol, when my mam was in hospital after having me, she woke up in the middle of the night, in the pitch black, and realised she couldnt feel her arm, she started feeling around for it with her other arm but couldnt feel it and had no feeling in it, she was just coming round from a c/section so was a bit dazzed and started shouting for help, saying she couldnt feel her arm*. she thought something had went wrong during the birth and they'd had to amputate her arm, and by the time the nurse came she was histerical! turned out when they'd layed her down on the bed, her arm was underneath her, n coz shed been lying there for so long, shed lost all the feeling in it, lol, stupid mother!! *i know, i know, what on earth could go wrong during a birth so that they'd have to amputate ure arm i have no idea, but my mother is like me, dizzy
Ive had 2 c/sections & theyre very scary!! They numb your whole body from the waist down and it takes about 6 hours to wear off, you have 2 piss in a bag as well
Every night i wake up and me arm/hand is numb. Thats coz i sleep or fall asleep with me hands/arms under me pillow - ive had many a fright off it like coz its just dead and nee movement or owt - have to bite it to see if its alive
liar! we all know you lie on ur arm till it goes numb, then wank off so it feels like sum1 else is doing it!
*coughs ahem ahem* Who's the one that thought of it tho Summit to hide ?? Womens rings on fingers/nail varnish n all that ha ha ha
i love how you can just type ne random crap that comes into your head into a thread and people will reply!!! i wish i was numb right excemas really bad and painful atm