just wundered when r the november listings gonna be announced pleeeze??!! or will we hav to wait till next fri to see on the flyers...??!! xxx
woohooo(!!!) evil picotto!! :evil: nah only jokin hun i know how much u like him he's okay in small doses i s'pose!! am gonna go though me finks n try to see what it is that everyone loves bout him so much!! s'pose if ya like techno u'll love the man but techno tends to scare me a bit 4 sum strange reason !! god what am i talking about??!! hows u hun anyways,me aint seen ya in ages where ya bin??!! xxx
wooohooo!! yay nice one mark thank u!!! xxx ooo john kelly and scotty bond as well god how good is that line up 4 this month??!! xxx
wickid line up , especially John 00 Fleming b2b with Matt, looking forward to that line up already. Robbie nelson has been spot on everytime he's been on aswell
Class Hardwick n John 00 Flemming b2b sounds class ! Robbie Nelson like people have said is spot on and last time i seen him @ Promise he was class Was a while ago like but i remember him......
Nice one!! Class month! Really lookin forward to seein JFK again. He blew me away last time! And Matt and 00 Flemming back to back!!! FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. And of course Picotto!!!!! :evil: