NTL 1.5 Meg does anyone know if this connection has been upgraded to 2meg like most isps seem to be doing
Re: NTL 1.5 Meg its gonna be doubled to 3mbit sumtime this month....BUT..they are gonna start introducing caps apparently...
sick of this cap bollocks! It's like giving someone a car thats twice as fast as theirs but telling them they can only use it half as much as their old one
thought you didnt mind caps? they are a load of shit like - ntl aint gonna enforce caps till end of year they say - as soon as they do am off cos its wank
i'll be getting my internet cut off then like waste of time being able to download quick if your only allowed to download small amounts...these caps are ruining the illegal download industry
I must admit I personally don't mind it but I think its unfair on those that do.... Its just a way for them to make £££ Monney grubbers
telewest. no caps tho im guessing they will be introduced at some point. and 1gb a day really isnt that much. even if i dont download anything large in a day i will probs still go through that solely on general browsing and small downloads, + sending my own tunes back and forward to mates.