[Nov 12, 2011] Sat 12 Nov:John Heckle LIVE:Tony Daly&Justin Mills:Northumberland Arms (NE1 7UG)

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by DotheDu, Oct 24, 2011.

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  1. DotheDu


    May 19, 2009
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    (mathematics/tabernacle) - FULL LIVE SET

    TONY DALY & JUSTIN MILLS (suono, reverb)
    PETER MANGALORE (human shield)
    £5 entry before 11.30pm £6 after

    10pm - LATE


    (on Northumberland Street opposite M&S next to Eldon Square entrance)

    North East label Signals present a very special late late night basement gathering in the heart of the city centre.

    Signals formed last year in the wake of the final Road to Rimini night. Already on their fourth release and happy to mark that occasion with a special and truly 'underground' party for the release of the John Heckle - Hard Sleeper/Ancient Deep 10"

    Scouse wunderkind John Heckle is only a mere 22 years of age and has already had a brace of EPs and an LP on Chicago label Mathematics, further vinyl excursions on Tabernacle Records this Summer. With much more to follow, he's an artist on the rise.

    His music is how dance music should be rough, tough and machine driven. On the 12th he'll present his FULL live set and it's hoped he'll be whipping up a right ol'frenzy, pulling at the roots of PROPER Techno and House with not a laptop in sight.

    You will not see or hear a live set to match, a performance in every sense of the word. This'll be a rare chance to catch a bone fide talent at work!

    Disk Jockey support will be provided by the North East's Tony Daly & Justin Mills as they reunite since their last outing at the Final Road to Rimini and North West record company executive Peter Mangalore.

    A line up of the North of England's finest with a sound system to match, in a venue more than fitting.

    A ridiculously reasonable door charge, vinyl on sale at discounted bargain(basement) rates and drinks at pub not club prices make it a night not worth missing!

    See more
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. DotheDu


    May 19, 2009
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  4. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey time for tea

    Dec 2, 2004
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    hugging trees , if you dont like it , fuck off , i
    eh , if he's 22 im santa claus - im 30 and cant even grow a raggy tash man

    anyways - if somebodys playing live without laptops im in more than likely

    got respect for the old kit - think il go power up the 909/303 for a jam
    Conway likes this.

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